Pencils for San Paolo


Class 8 is engaging in a project as part of their involvement in the Cape Cod chapter of the Human Rights Academy. We are trying to collect 300 packs of student quality colored pencils to send to a school in Sao Paolo, Brazil. The school we have selected is in a very poor district of Sao Paolo and has limited resources for a school population of about 300 elementary school students. Art supplies in Brazil are generally much more expensive than they are here, and colored pencils can cost as much as five times the prices in our area. 

We are not looking for expensive artist quality materials, nor are we looking for huge packages. Boxes of 12 to 36 pencils, of inexpensive brands like Crayola, Roseart and comparable brands are perfect for our drive. 

If you would like to purchase and contribute pencils, there is a collection bin in the foyer of the school. Sets can be found at any art and craft stores, or even at the Dollar Stores. We can also accept checks made out to the WSCC with "Sao Paolo pencil project" on the memo line, and we will use the funds to buy pencil sets.

Thank you on behalf of the eighth grade and our friends in Brazil.

Mr. Gable

for the eighth grade

A Season of Festivals: St. Lucia Day

St Lucia.JPG

A Season of Festivals

Seasonal festivals serve to connect humanity with the rhythms of nature. Many festivals which originated in ancient cultures have been adapted over time.  To participate festively in the seasonal moods of the year benefits the child's experience.  There is joy in the anticipation, the preparation, the celebration itself, and the memories created.  This time of year, we celebrate the darkening days, and the light within us all.  The school year begins with Michaelmas, followed by the Martinmas Lantern Walk, and continued last week with St. Nicholas Day and the Spiral Walk.  This week, Class 2/3 will lead the celebration of St. Lucia Day. 

St. Lucia Day

The festival of light named for Santa Lucia is celebrated on her birthday, December 13.  Lucia, whose name means "light," lived in the fourth century in Sicily and her birthday is honored in Sicily with a seasonal celebration. The celebration also became a traditional one in Sweden beginning in the eighteenth century, and this is the one we celebrate at our school.
In this ceremony, the youngest girl from the family is chosen to be Lucia.  She rises before dawn and prepares luciakatter (literally, lucia cats), which are rolls seasoned with saffron and cardamon.  Then, dressed in a white robe with a red sash, wearing a wreath of candles on her head, Lucia leads a procession of people, some maids of honor, others star boys, to bring rolls and coffee to the neighboring families.
It is our school tradition for Class 2/3 to prepare the luciakatter, dress in white robes, and bring bread to the other classes during main lesson, led by Lucia who is chosen from the 7/8th grade.  We will be singing Santa Lucia, which begins, "Now in the winter night, good folk are waiting, see now the maid of light, darkness abating."  We are looking forward to this celebration tomorrow.

Class 2/3 Farm Trip Fundraiser


Class 2/3 Farm Trip

The 3rd Grade Farm Trip is traditional in most Waldorf Schools.  Third graders study the food, shelter, and clothing of many cultures throughout history and this experience
is designed to enhance that curriculum. 

It is also a rite-of-passage for 9-year old children, as they enter into a developmental stage in which they have a newfound sense of self-awareness.  This week-long trip may be their first extended absence from home, but within the safety and support of their class and familiar teachers, a sense of budding independence is fostered.

Elderberry Syrup Kits for Sale

You know when you go to the health food store to buy your elderberry syrup and you end up spending $20 for a small bottle? You think to yourself "I wish I could have a whole quart of elderberry syrup for just $15..." Well guess what, now that dream can be a reality! Class 2/3 are selling elderberry syrup kits which make a big batch and will keep you and your family healthy all winter long. Added bonus- all the proceeds will go to the class 2/3 farm trip fundraiser. Please help support these kids on their big farm trip adventure, an experience they will never forget. 

In case you are wondering what elderberry syrup is for? Elderberries have been a folk remedy for centuries and used for its antioxidant activity, to lower cholesterol, to improve vision, to boost the immune system, to improve heart health and for coughs, colds, flu, bacterial and viral infections and tonsillitis. It's a wonderful way to prevent illnesses when taken daily as well.

Snack Pouches, Quilt Raffle & CD's for Sale too...

There are other ways to support the class 2/3 farm trip fundraiser- look in the lobby for snack pouches made by the talented Dina O'Neil and fun CD's for kids. We are also raffling three beautiful handmade quilts- check them out in the lobby at school.  They might look lovely in your home, or be an excellent Christmas gift. Tickets are $5 each, or three for $10.